I am glad that we met for steamboat. It has indeed been a long time since all of us went out together. I will be out of Singapore from 14th April to 16 April. So if you all are planning to meet again, please meet before those dates ok?
Anyways, after the meeting, me and Amilia talked on the phone and discussed about our locker. All I can say is that we have taken the liberty to think up of what we want our locker to be.
First and foremost, the cost of the locker is $81. Since there are eight of us, you girls will pay $10 each and I will pay the extra dollar. Cost is settled.
As we will be getting the bigger locker, there will be lots of things that we can put inside. The thing now is that I want to create the locker as a hub for us. Making it compulsory to go there at least once a day for each of us. Not only will you all go there to check up for notices that we have put up, also as a place where we can exchange things. I will further explain about how I am gonna transform the locker into a meeting hub for us. We will see now what Amilia and me have thought of putting inside.
I am going to list them.
- A notice board - A notice board is so that we can tack up our timetable and then we can know where everyone is. This will serve as a good guideline to as when we can meet.
- Planks to be made as shelves - As our locker is the big one, there will be a lot of space. We do not want to waste the space above in the locker so we have thought of going to Ikea to buy some planks where we can hopefully make shelves so we can put more things.
- PADS! And maybe Menstruation Pills. - Amilia thought of this. Please thank her for it. I personally do not mind the pads. So if anyone miscalculated and the red sea is about to erupt, do approach the hub and grab one for instant comfort an relief. LOL~
- Candies and perhaps some snacks. Eg. Pocky, chips, biscuits etc. - I am sure most of you would want to skip lunch sometime and also eat a little. So we have decided to put some foodstuff in it to ease your hunger. How we are going to share the cost for the food, I will explain later too.
- We also thought about putting some books and manga in there for your reading pleasure. - I will put the series of Naruto in there for everyone to use and some books to read so that you all can use it when you have free time, such as waiting for someone to arrive. Please handle the books with care though.
- post it! - Post it! will serve as a simple reminder to everyone who needs to use it to remind the rest of us.
That is all I can remember. If there is anything you want to add, please mention it and tell us the reason.
Another thing is that I have thought of a weekly or monthly (based on all of your opinions) contribution to the fund. That will be how we will support the cost of food and candies in the locker. It need not be a big amount but I suppose if we go by monthly, $6 from the each of us will be enough to last us for a month.
As what I mean about the locker being a hub, I want to make it such that you all will always find the need to visit the locker at least once a day so that we can keep in touch. This is very crucial to whether we can still be as close as before. So please give comments and do participate in this discussion. I would like to hear from all of you.
This is brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood Dragon.
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